Getting Unstuck

I've been feeling sort of stuck lately. You know what I mean?

So I took myself through a series of steps in order to unlock the fear that was getting in my way, get back on track, and move my work forward. 

It really helped.

If you need a nudge, I hope this helps you too. 

Step one: Name the thing (or project or idea or decision) that you want to nudge forward. Be specific. Speak clearly to yourself so that you know exactly what you're talking about.

Step two: Enumerate the fears associated with that thing. That feeling of being “stuck” is simply a product of fear. Naming your fears actually diffuses their power. So get clear. What are you afraid of?

Step three: Identify the benefits of moving your work forward. Again, clarity is the key here. What might you gain from getting “unstuck”? 

Step four: Acknowledge and then name the tools you already possess in your toolbox to help you with this work. Sometimes these tools are very concrete. For example, a canvas and a paintbrush. Sometimes they're more conceptual, like mindset or support. It is likely that you already possess everything you need in order to move your work forward. 

Step five: Give yourself the freedom to project even farther into the future. When you feel “stuck” it is hard to see beyond tomorrow. But you can do it. Imagine your future self, months, maybe even years from now, with this moment far behind her and a bright future ahead. 

I took about 100 artists through this process in Homeroom this morning, and the results were quite stunning. Give it a try. 


Simpler Solutions


Artists and Creatives